NIAA Leadership Update

Welcome Prof Ramani Moonesinghe and Prof Tonny Veenith

The NIAA is pleased to announce that following a period of open recruitment  Prof Ramani Moonesinghe has been confirmed to the role of NIAA Board Chair, replacing Prof Mike Grocott who’s term has ended after 6 years. 

Prof Tonny Veenith has been confirmed as the new NIAA Academic Training Lead, replacing Prof Dan Martin who has held this role for a number of years.

Amongst many roles Prof Moonesinghe is Professor and Head of Centre for Perioperative Medicine at UCL, and National Clinical Director for Critical and Perioperative Care at NHS England, as well as holding the role of NIAA Deputy Chair since 2023. The interview panel were certain that Ramani’s considerable experience and clear strategic view will be of huge benefit to the work of the NIAA going forward as Board Chair.

Prof Veenith is an Anaesthetic and Intensive Care Consultant, Professor for Anaesthesia, Perioperative Care and Intensive Care Medicine at Wolverhampton University. He was also awarded a Macintosh Professorship by the RCoA in 2021. The panel agreed that Tonny’s experience and skills would be well suited to this role and are delighted that he has accepted the position as Academic Training Lead.

The NIAA formally thanks both Prof Grocott and Prof Martin for their immense contributions, leadership and collaborative efforts in their respective roles on the NIAA Board over the years.